Vermont's 1,000,000 research grade challenge!

Help Vermont Atlas of Life reach 1,000,000 research grade observations!

iNaturalist observations become candidates for Research Grade when they have a photo, date, and coordinates. They become "Research Grade" when the community agrees on an identification. If the community has multiple opinions on what taxon has been observed, iNaturalist chooses a taxon from all the proposed taxa (a higher-level taxon containing the proposed taxa) that more than 2/3 of the voters agree with.

We need your help to reach our goal of 1,000,000 research grade observations from Vermont before 2025!.
Start: 852,949

Progress: 0%

Current total:

We don't have much time left to reach our goal. 2025 is right around the corner. The mission ends in:

Don't know where to start?

We've got you covered. Below are helpful guides to get you started.

No time like the present!

Follow the links below to start identifying within these taxon groups

Everyone's doing it - join in on the fun!

users have identified
observations since 11-01-2024!

Observation breakdown

Percentage of observations that need further identification

The percentage of each iconic taxon that need additional identifications to reach research grade are displayed in the figure to the right. A more complete circle indicates that iconic taxon has lots of observations classified as 'Needs ID'.

Identification Leaderboard

Username Identifications